Thanks y'all for the well wishes, my body don dey kampe now. I just cough occassionally, but nothing serious. My week was okay, nothing spectacular, same old me. So on Monday, the doctor i shadow called me and wants me to mentor his nephew (dude) who's at my school; which i was already doing anyway. Dude's last semester's result was bad (2B's and 2 C's) and he's just a freshman o. Anyways, so i'm gonna start doing what i love doing best when school starts, mentoring. There's this nice Jamaican gal i mentor, she's in the same program as me. I was secretly tryna match make dude and this Jamaican chic. Kai! see my life o.
On Wednesday, before Bible study, seeing that i had 1.5 hrs to kill, i decided to visit Mrs. Emelike (see previous post). On getting to her house, i noticed they were doing some renovations and just trying to make the house look good in general. She then told me that they were gonna have a gig this weekend @ home. Her and her hubby just had the traditional and registry thingie when they got married, so now they're having the church wedding and also combining it with her son's 21st b'day celebration. The woman was so excited, and she's even wearing a white wedding gown, renting a limo and has a mini bridal party. I was speechless.
I already had plans to go to VA for a women's convention with my friends and had no plans to attend this gig. Thanks to my uncle, when he heard that i was going to VA again, he vetoed it. So i'm the only one not going. I was pissed. After paying for registration and all for the conference despite my broke-dom or lackfundaitis, God dey sha. His reason for not letting me go was 'cos i just came from OH and just last weekend, i was in NJ and i'm already making plans to go to MD in August. He even yarned that i'm always gallivanting and every weekend, i have one function or the other to attend to. Is it my fault that i'm a popular jingo ni? Which one is his own sef, when he goes for his meeting in NJ every other weekend nobody complains. I can't wait to move far away from family, God knows.
Anyways, no need crying over spilt milk. Na so i come carry my legs go Mrs. E's thingie yesterday, even though the real party is today. 'Twas okay. I met many Nigerians in the community; the Nigerian population here is very, very sparse. This man, in his late 40's or early 50's was gisting with me, next thing i knew o he was asking if i was dating anyone at the moment. I would've suspected that he had some hanky-panky moves up his sleeves, but his wife and kids were there too, so i knew he was harmless. When he saw the look of shock, as in serious "Eewo, see-me-see-trouble look" on my face, he then explained that his reason for asking was 'cos he knew there were few eligible young Naija's in the area for me to associate with. He then said there would be an X-mas gig of Naijas in the area where he lives and i'm invited. He even went as far as saying that he's pretty sure, a nice looking young lady like myself would hook up with one of them. Like seriously, who cares?
I'm just in my early 20's o and it beats me to see how people have been trying to match-make me with guys. Really, do i have a tag that says i'm looking for someone or what? Which kain wahala be dis sef. Just last week i was talking to my uncle in TX, next thing i knew the convo shifted towards him asking if i was seeing anyone. He then started telling me he has this "aburo" (younger brother) in London that he wants me to be friends with. Imagine, London all the way, not even in Yankee here. Miss F, my friend wants to hook me up with dis bobo too. Even uncle D in MD tried to hook me up with his friend's aburo that's working in Ghana. Abeg people leave me alone. I know there's nothing wrong with hook-ups, but a sista's just tired with all these things jare.
My view on dating, is kinda weird when i explain it to some people, but some others understand where i'm coming from. Anyways, that one na tori for anoda day. Okay lemme say sumtin' little on it, and i'm entitled to my opinion. Afterall, this is my blog. I believe as a Christian that strives to glorify God in every area of her life, dating shouldn't be done "the world's way/ Hollywood's way." I want Jesus Christ to be glorified in every area of my life, yes, and even as far as dating is concerned.
I played online Scrabble with a fellow blogger yesterday. I tell u, there are some real pros out there. Me too, i'm a pro in my own right. This dude wanted to play a 3 mins. Scrabble game, imagine? Anyways, he won in the 2nd round, by less than 7 points (i think) sha. Considering the fact that i just registered and i was a newbie to online Scrabble, i think i tried jare. My friend, Biodun or Abbey, has started a blog. It's basically on her travails to entering the "Holy of Holies," as she calls it a.k.a. Medical school. Here's the link to her blog:
Enjoy it. Anyways, gotta run. It's almost time for Mrs. E's wedding. More gist on how the wedding went.
I need more male friends
1 week ago
lol...7 points abi? ok oo we'll need to have a rematch...anyhow for a newbie you did well... as per your blog, i must say after reading your comments on mine all i can do is laugh...isn't it fun being the center of all the hook up frenzy going!
Dude c'mon now, do u have to bring me out like that? Fun ke? Which kain fun be dat? Truth be told, i think i like the attention jere, at least i know some people still fancy me, hehehe
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