I'm beginning (who am i kidding, i've always been) to get addicted to McVitie's Chocolate digestives, it isn't even funny again. I can't believe i was contemplating to order the biscuit (cookies) online for $5 each and shipping is $3.95. Imagine? I wonder how i'll survive without my regular dose, till my uncle gets back from London. Omo, fashie that people'll call me a grubbido, but when i see someone travelling to the UK, I ask them to bring me my biscuits, i don't care if i've a closet full already. This last one i just finished, lasted a whole month, after sharing (as hard as it was) about 6 pieces with my precious little cousins. I remember there was a time i loved Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies, then i was still in Nigeria so i'd practically beg anyone coming to the States to bring back my precious cookies. I've a sweet tooth, but i don't drink sodas or eat chocolate bars.
Anyways, my shadowing in the ER has really opened my eyes. There are diseases in this world o. I thank God everyday for the gift of life, the gift of another day and every little thing in my life, even the not so pleasant experiences. Some people wish for these thiongs i take for granted. Infact, i've realized the futility of life more than i've ever done before. One minute, u're alive, tryna conquer the world the next minute, u're struggling to survive and hoping against all hope that a miracle will happen, even though u may claim not to believe in God.
Prior to my experience, especially in the ER now, i used to think ER docs were real geniuses, as in they knew almost everything. Infact, i thot they were the smartest, being able to respond to situations at the spur of the moment. I shadow the Chief of emergency medicine, very nice guy BTW, the Oga patapata (big boss), and after seeing this particular patient and running all tests imaginable, between me and him, he was like, "Frankly speaking, i don't know what the problem is. We'll try giving him these meds to see if he gets some relief." What does that tell u? Doctors try their best, but God is the ultimate physician that heals.
I'm going to copy Adaure now, with the coded gist part in pidgin. Na so dis 23 yr old pikin come ER, she drink overdose on medicine wey doctor give am. She take 30 pills of a 500mg prescribed tab. She come talk say na 'cos her and her bf get argument na so she feel depressed. Imagine o? Just 'cos of boyfie wey no care about am. When her mama here say she dey hospital, she rush make she come see her pikin, dis yeye pikin come dey abuse mama, dey yell at am. E be like say make i pimp slap (thanx Miguel) the pikin for where she lay. Mama wey care about u rush to ur bedside, boyfie wey u wan kill urself on top of am, no even call talk less of come visit u. She be 1st class mumu.
Anyways, i finally submitted my Big Bros Big Sis application last week. I've had that application for about 2 years now. So unto some gbeborun a.k.a. amebo moves. One of my friends, let's call her P, just met this guy and they've been dating for about 6 months now. The guy's very nice, knows how to treat a lady right and all. He's visited P a couple of times, and even gives her money whenever she's suffering from lackfundaitis. P has never bought him a gift, seeing as she's always broke. Should this be the case?
I'm dry today, i even know it too or maybe those are the withdrawal symptoms from my latest addiction. I think i may have an ear infection. My right ear has been itching for about 2 hours, maybe i should stick Q-tips in it? I've some insect bites on my thighs, from Saturday at the park, it itches too. Lord help me.
I need more male friends
1 week ago
I want digestives! pls mail some to me. Its been too long :(
geez! why wouldn't he send her bras and patas when she's taking money from him? From what you're saying, they've known each other for ONLY 1 month, and she's already taking dough. Your friend isn't serious at all...LOLOLOLOL
@ SA, u be correct ole. U hear say i dey guard the thing jealously. If u're nice, i just may mail u some, but S&H is on u.
@ Belle, take it easy on Miss P. They've known each other for 6 months i said, she doesn't ask for the money, but he sends it to her. I have never and i don't think i'll ever take dough from my BF no matter how broke i am, talkless of underwear.
oh sorry about that... i thought it was 1 month only. Yeah, i don't think i could take money too.. unless I was paying it back. The gift choice is a red flag imo..
I think so too, Belle. Miss P is going to visit him in December and she's staying in his house. Looks like he's tryna say sumtin' with that gift. We'll see what happens.
Bijouoxoxo I feel u on the digestives o..I spent 30pounds on just buying Digestives,Hobnobs and smarties when I went to london in April and men come see fight when I got back here.I almost did not see some of it to eat sef.I am almost finished a pack of Hobnobs someone just gave me.
Omo the bobo must be working in victoria secret or maybe the bobo dan get some feels to know ur friend's size of bra o and which kain gift be that self.I have not bought any kind of undies for any of the GFs I have had,the worst I will do is follow u there and pay for it.
Naijabloke, abeg holla at a sista when next u're going to London, i go mail check to u and even put interest on top am, if u want. The bobo is kuku not working at VS, methinks the bobo don get some feels o, as per when him come dis last trip. Even though my gal no yarn me that part of the tori. Even if he get some feels, how can he still remember the size. My gal no tell me say she yarn him her bra and panty size. It's easy to guess the panty size by looking, but bra size, me i no fit. The 1st time, he mailed her a gift cert. from VS, na d 2nd time he buy the thing gangan.
exactly now...the boy get feels. maybe he even managed to look at the bra size while she was asleep. C'mon..I will stuff the bra in his mouth..lol!
in my opinion -> men dont typically buy stuff like that except they've invaded the territory...your "conservative" friend maybe keeping you in the dark.
If she was shocked, she should have returned it. You gotta let ppl know how to treat you
and on the doctors knowing everything...dont you see them w/their PDAs...especially 1st year interns (understandable)...it's best to hang on to God
Na wa oooooo
A guy will send a conservative girl some personal effects!
Your stories are always too true o
And why did you label the guy MR NICE?
Thank u very much o Diamond and Dipo..I just no wan go that side since Bijouoxoxo say her friend na conservative..
No be say anything the guy dan get enuff feels and as diamond said the guy dan invaded the territory as hin if the guy never shine the congo sef,he dan he dan out feel am out.
Anyway no wahala I go let u know,cos e be like say I go go by october cos I dan almost crase for this place I need to get out of this country and Naija no be option now unless I go go and wont see a lot of people,couple with this crazy ppl wey wan blow plane again maybe I go just jeje drive enter Mexico chill for there.
Diamond's response was perfect... you teach a man how to treat you... If your friend had a problem withe the gift, she would have sent it back...the fact that she has decided to keep it is a different story..its funny how people start things off on the wrong foot and act shocked when things end in similar fashion... how ever you lay your bed, so shall you find it.
Bijou how insects go bite u sef... i hear say for yankee insects dey allergic to african skin...dockinto cure ya sef.
Eyin peeps, maybe yankee don change my girlfriend. When we were still youngings and growing up she was conservative, so i'm still looking at her with that eye, shey u get? I haven't seen her since i came to the States. Anyways, it's all good.
Oga Dipo, e be like say u no dey believe my stories, but all i write about do really happen, i swear, i'm not making stuff up. I labeled him Mr. Nice guy 'cos he knows how to treat a lady right at least from the stories she yarns me now.
Miguel, see me see trouble o. Na so i say make i dress summery (sp) go do big sis, take my little cousins go park on Saturday. I notice say something dey scratch me for leg, i no wan believe say na insect bite me 'cos i don hear that ur hypothesis wey u state before, "i hear say for yankee insects dey allergic to african skin." Oh boy, fashie that side mehn that one no fit get upgraded to theory na big lie. The insect chop my fresh skin, it ain't even funny. It scratches like crazy, but i don take care of am.
I really understand what you mean by the biscuits. Growing up in the UK plain digestives (not chocolate) was 'dan' with hotchocolate or milky tea. Im no longer too keen on the hobnobs, but I still feel the digestives.
You can find them in some shops here, and mcvitees digestives too.
Yum, yum chocolate digestives!!!!
Just being going through your blog and i cant stop reading!!!
Let me continue
Thank you for stopping by bijouxoxo! Oh and the post, lol! its been a while since I heard some good ole Nija pidgin. It b funny how dis white pikin them come yeye big time! If I be the mother, I go pimp slap then go jail for assault.Na dis kind thing make I no want marry for US. I go probably go jail because I knack pikin kill'am, then he make the much dreaded 9-1-1 call wey it send me straight to jail.
Girl, I feel you on them Chocolate Digestives. My friend is coming from Jand in a couple of days and I'm trying to figure out how to ask her to bring me some, plus some Maltesers, Crunchie, Bounty, and Ribena. LOL.
@Ms May..u r trying to figure out how to ask her to bring some for u.Ok it's like this dear.
Pick up ya phone and dial the number and tell her if she does not bring all the yummies u just mentioned come from london for u,make she no come home o.
Dsiclaimer: Do not try this with a Non-close friend,Non-family or Non-Boyfriend o
@NB...you're a case...you then will she now ask to bring the stuff for her...lol
do u know what's funny? as I read that, i looked beside my bed and what did i see, Chocolate Digestives!!! sorry but they sell them here and I always have a pack of them as well as hobnobs handy! oh wow....ur blog is interesting...never been on here before...
about ur friend...she might just be putting on a front with u....her man probably sees another side of her...tht is y he was inspired to buy her underwear as a gift...interesing blog girl..keep it up!
@Naijabloke: I took your advice....LOL. I shall soon be in possession of aforemetioned items. Yay! No sharing:)
Naijabloke, i'll take u up on that offer when u're going to Jand in October.
Ms. May, u gotta share with ur blog buddies nau.
Hmh... Pidgin can no longer be classified as coded oh.. Oyinbo dey decode am well well.... if you must code it better be in your grandfathers language.
HA! Madam Addy, thanx for that o. Before i'm fired or sued for breaching conrfidentiality agreements. No more coding in pidgin. Just like Jamaican Patwa, even i've started decoding it, when my friends speak.
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