How're y'all doing? Thanks a lot to all those that sent me b'day greetings and to those that forgot, it's not too late to wish me a happy belated b'day. You guys weren't seeing double. I actually did put up a post yesterday about OF and i, we had a lil' squabble. Things are still not cool like that between us and i do miss talking to him, but i need to chill. Afterall, Rome wasn't built in a day and we're just getting to know each other. If he calls, fine but i'm not calling (for reasons best known to moi). On to the topic of this post.
Why is it that we, especially those of us of African origin attribute everything that happens to supernatural forces? If a rat runs in my room, someone from my village (most likely my enemies) sent that rat. If i fall down, if it's not the devil that's a liar, then it's my stepmum's great grandmum that caused me to trip and fall. Why is it that someone must always be after us? Even when there's nothing chasing us, we still give the enemy way too much credit. I'm not saying there are no enemies, neither am i denying the fact that there are supernatural forces.
I believe in God and i believe that the devil plots against God's children. I also do believe that no weapon fashioned or formed against me and u shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against us will be condemned. He's a God of mercy and justice. So why then do we go about for people to pray for us? Some denominations or sects within christian-dom, believe in performong some acts, like dipping in a river 7 times, using 100 white candles, washing ur body with a specially prepared soap, buying 50 turtle doves and different things.
In my opinion, anything that goes contrary to the word of God, i try not to do. The bible i read tells me to pray to God and that i don't need an intermediary before i go directly to my father, why then do i need someone to tell me to bring 100 cows, 50 turtledoves, 20 candles? U're sick, go to the hospital to get diagnosed and treated. Pray also. Why do u need to go to one "Baba aladura" (an elder that prays) to say special prayers for u? Some people have the gift of visions true, but ... I really dunno why i have to go to someone to pray about Miss X or Mr. Y to see if she's a good friend or a backstabber? Can't wrap my head around some of these things.
Maybe i'm just talking like a child who hasn't seen "life," but some of these things don't go down well with me. To everything, my people respond, "ko kin se oju lasan." May God help us all. What are ur views on these?
I need more male friends
1 week ago
its all about blaming everything and anything for our own deficiencies. how do u expect me to feel better about myself if i blame myself for worrying too much and developing a headache afterwards. its not cos i've not eaten for 2 days that cause my headache, ofcourse its that enemy i dont have, who is out to get me.
i do believe nigerians are generally to superstitious! blaming the smallest things in their lives on ogun or whatever . but that is our culture sha and some things are from the devil.
Your post actually made me laugh, but the reality is its true. Some one is defo against so and they dont realise that all they do is to bind it in the Name of Jesus and its done. People self. In not in the ministry of giving the enemy too much powers.
it's maturity...i tell u i've been some stuff...but as you mature in God, you realise that all those extra things are not necessary...we have to break free from certain traditions...
Let me start by wishing u a happy belated birthday and God's blessings this new year. Funny u didn't tell us how u celebrated your birthday.
Anywayz as per the whole supernatural forces thingy, i think its something deeply embedded in out culture. We can't seem to get over the fact that certain things are just natural and has nothing to do with the "enemy".
You know sometimes the word "devil", "enemy" sometimes irritates me, especially when people mess up and blame it on the "devil", "enemy" or "supernatural forces". Granted there might be some exceptions but most often than not, its their screw-up and has absolutely nothing to do with the "Devil". Wish a day would come when we will all look at things for what it truely is and stop shouting supernatural forces when ever something goes wrong.
Let me start by wishing u a happy belated birthday and God's blessings this new year. Funny u didn't tell us how u celebrated your birthday.
Anywayz as per the whole supernatural forces thingy, i think its something deeply embedded in out culture. We can't seem to get over the fact that certain things are just natural and has nothing to do with the "enemy".
You know sometimes the word "devil", "enemy" sometimes irritates me, especially when people mess up and blame it on the "devil", "enemy" or "supernatural forces". Granted there might be some exceptions but most often than not, its their screw-up and has absolutely nothing to do with the "Devil". Wish a day would come when we will all look at things for what it truely is and stop shouting supernatural forces when ever something goes wrong.
I agree with chiefo - it's just easier to blame someone else for our own shortcomings and problems.
Nice post cherub!
My darlin ma binu...happy belated birthday. May God bless you and keep you in this wonderful new year!!!
I no know say naijabloke na january baby...i suppose yap am small...
really missed your holla!
We really are too superstitious.
'I claim it in Jesus' name' doesn't guarantee passing an exam, but people still indulge themselves all the time.
The people who annoy me are the ones who elevate a pastor to demigod status - a prayer's never complete until it's the pastor praying for you, your probability of getting a contract shoots up by 90% when the Pastor commits it to God, etc etc.
Little wonder religion is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria -- and the emphasis on tithes is so strong.
I'm with you.. a lot of times, our cultural influences dominate our understanding of the things of God.. and its easier to blame other people when we have problems rather than take responsibility and move on. Like Diamond said, it is an issue of maturity and how much of a revelation of God the individual has.. The best thing to do is to pray for the people and pray that God will open their eyes to the truth.. so they correct what is within their ability to correct or adjust certain things and to come to a place where they can stand in the throne room and boldly pray and ask the Father in Jesus' name.
OK, I thought I was seeing double, cos I was thinking where is my comment, hope u n OF work things out :)
Yeah that is Africa for you, I belief that there is a spiritual world n evil forces do exist n I am much aware of their presence. But I try to use good judgement. I dont belief in going to some aladura to pray or see vision as my people like to do but I still seek spiritual advice while also doing my own personal thing one on one with God.
Although I did wish you a happy belated birthday in your previous post, lemme say it once again. Happy B-birthday, my future doctor.
LOL@this post and how true it is. Well, I beg to differ sha, me I just blame all the downfalls on the devil :)
Yes we tend to blame other ppl for most of our misfortunes,although I tend not to believe in them o,but we need to be aware that we actually have some bad ppl amongst us that will go to any extent in bringing you down when u tend to move up and they r not always happy for u.
Like I always add in my prayers "God don't let me meet or be in contact with ppl that wont be happy with my success and happiness"
Destroying is always easier to fix except u r on God's team
I agree with you that we sometimes give too much credit to "evil supernatural forces". But it stems from our culture and history. We are always on the defensive because we always felt "attacked". With more wisdom and understanding, hopefully we can break free of our fear of being attacked all the time.
It's just superstition, I guess. I don't believe all that stuff, but hey, we're Africans; something has always gotta be chasing us. God will help us all...abi what else can I say?
Hey Xox - I gather you are very busy. Hope all is well, and start of Uni hasnt been too strenuous
Oya update already now!
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