I got back from Cleveland yesterday afternoon. The trip was a bitter-sweet experience for me, but it was still fun for the most part. The 3 reasons i embarked on this trip were to visit my childhood friends i haven't seen in 5 years, to attend a wedding and to have a mini-vacation. The wedding was excellent, the couple were Naijas, igbo and yoruba. I lied to my grandparents and uncle, that the bride was my senior in QC and many ex-QC gals are attending so it'll be a mini-reunion sort of. 5 friends i knew were on the bridal train, so in a way, i didn't lie. Even though the bride 'n groom didn't know me, i felt compelled to attend their wedding 'cos my friends invited me, since according to 'em, "their boy was the one getting married." The wedding rehearsal was scheduled for 7 p.m., but trust we Naijas, the rehearsal didn't start until almost 9. Throughout the rehearsal, I sat in one corner of the sanctuary, reading my novel and enjoying my company.
As I glanced up to look at the orisirisi they were doing, i started seeing familiar faces. One of the QCOG, came up to me to say hi, 'cos she spotted me 1st. We hugged and chatted for a few minutes, even though we were not in the same arm and we weren't buddies in QC, we still chatted. I decided to close my book, so i could follow the rehearsal, na so i come see anoda face. The chics face looked so familiar, i could've sworn she was Tessy, my classmate in QC. Her face looked distorted, and she had her hair packed in one way like that. Anyway, i walked up to her later, and asked if she was the person i thot she was, she answered in the affirmative and started pretending like she didn't know me. C'mon now, we were in the same class for about 4 or was it 5 yrs, how can ur memory be that bad? This chic, was one of the "bubblers" in school, and any QC gal, knows what that's all about. I jogged her memory a little bit, until her silly self said "oh, i remember u now" Imagine, such nonsense, i was disgusted. I thot all that QC rubbish would've ended there, but apparently not. She asked what school i was, i told her i was finishing up my undergrad. Apparently, she got her Bachelors last year, and is working Godknowswhere, so maybe that's why she was forming levels or so. Those who know me, know i'm shy, but i went out of my comfort zone, to talk to u, and now u're acting all superior and what not. Trust me, i fashied her. The other chic, who wasn't even in my arm in school was so jovial and all. I made another attempt to talk to Tessy again whilst we were getting our grub on and mingling, thinking maybe 'cos she was "rehearsing" she couldn't chat. The gal ignored me o, that was when i ignored her completely.
While i was reading my novel in the sanctuary, this bobo walked to me, asking me what book i was reading and orisirisi. Later on, during the mingling session, i took a good look at him and was 95% sure i knew him. When the opportunity arose, i introduced myself to him, and he did the same. The name was just so familiar, he then asked if i went to St. Savior's, i said yes, and that was how i met my primary school mate i hadn't seen since '93/'94. What a reunion! The silly boy, even remembered how i got him in trouble with Mrs. Ottah. Since then, he said he had been "beefing" me in school. He then started yarning dust,"just last week, i saw X and asked where u were, how to locate u." He honestly thought i was going to chop for his cheesy line. Anyway, we exchanged numbers.
My friends were good hosts. At least they tried to be, just that their own kind of fun, was different from mine. Friday nite, we (my 2 friends, their roomate and his girl) all went to the club, my 2nd time ever. Clubbing is really not my thing, but i went anyway. I don't drink, so let's just say i was a spectator at the club. I've purposed in my heart, never to go to the club again in my life, 'cos it's just a waste of my good time. We left early. Again, i don't know if it's my conservative side speaking, but i don't think there's anything cool, in using profanities in every sentence one makes. To say the least, i find it downright disgusting.
I enjoyed my trip, but i realized we've all changed. Our personalties, views, the way we live our lives and so many other things. One thing i'll say using Shakespeare's words is, "To thine own self, be true." Know yourself and do what u're most comfortable with. Don't be a hypocrite and start acting in a way u know isn't right, or in a way u wouldn't dare act if ur parents were around. Let ur stand be known, and don't waiver, come what may. I find this saying to be particularly true, "If u stand for nothing, u'll fall for anything." In conclusion, the ancient words that are ever so true, add that, "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the end leads to destruction."
I need more male friends
1 week ago
Glad you had some fun. I've always been skeptical about meeting people I haven't kept in contact with.
One thing I noticed though is that the ones who you never got along with back in school are the ones who tend to be more amicable than the ones you think would be.
Sounds like u had a blast, on d other hand, its amazing how some people never out grow their childish ways, like high skool wasn't years back,
Hmmm... sounds like the trip was good. Don't mind that silly girl though.
Did you go to school in Ibadan?
You are funny. You wrote that his cheesy lines wouldn't work on you, and then the next thing you put is that you exchanged numbers (methinks they are working a little bit)
I like that quote, to thine own self be true, its important to remember...
@mari: these were people i pretty much knew all about, we attended the same church with our parents, same after school programs. We kept in touch via phone when we came here.
@biodun: Thank u jare, better person. Some pple are just weird like that. Maybe the chic was tryna feel superior in some weird kinda ways.
@belle: the trip was fabulous, looks like i now have to bump some people up on my prayer list. No, i didn't school in Ibadan, i went to QC in Lagos.
@dilch: Na u sabi o. I still insist that the cheesy line didn't work. We exchanged numbers the next day before i left, just to keep in touch as per old friends, but u never can tell what may happen lol!.
It's funny how some people can leave QC but QC can never really leave them, we have passed those type levels now. LOL at the lie you gave your folks, I've used that lie to attend a wedding before.
Ahhh QC has left me and in some ways it hasnt or should I say I havent left it. I'm a QC gal for lyfffeee heheh my mum n her sisters n cousins, my grandma n sisters all went to QC UP QC! Babyyy ok ok...Menn Bijouxoxo I really feel u on that...some girls r so fake n terrible...it's like they have a stupid complex...why cant u just say hiya oh yea I remember you or how are you long time? Period! No one is asking u to have a 30 mins reunion conversation with them but no, they have to pretend like they dont know u...I've been through this experience so many times now I just laugh...sometimes I dont even bother saying hello or I smile from afar...call me a snob...
Or how someone was so friendly in QC and now when you see her outside for the first time after 7 yrs she's so stuck up and different...maybe she's been through a bad experience in her life lol...oh well, what yr did u finish?
P.S. Check out the forum I currently have going on my blog for a week.
@olowo: It was a lie at 1st, but now looking back, it's really not a lie. Dig?
BOS, thanx. I was a day student. They wanted us to grow tall 'n strong, hence the reason boarders were fed beans almost on a daily basis. Apart from that, i still luv beans especially with corn.
MONA, MONA, MONA, how many times will i tell u that i know u and ur sisters. Aha! u were a year my senior in QC, so it should be Senior Mona LOL! Lemme make it easy on u, (even though i don't think it'll help), my popsie was ur popsie's classmate in h.school, so during those their many old boys outing, shey u get now?
Anyways, i was and i still am a quiet gal, so only my classmates really knew me, and some others. Omo, I think i'll adopt that ur strategy of smiling from afar. I saw the forum, already and i'l contribute my own 2 cents.
@olowo: It was a lie at 1st, but now looking back, it's really not a lie. Dig?
BOS, thanx. I was a day student. They wanted us to grow tall 'n strong, hence the reason boarders were fed beans almost on a daily basis. Apart from that, i still luv beans especially with corn.
MONA, MONA, MONA, how many times will i tell u that i know u and ur sisters. Aha! u were a year my senior in QC, so it should be Senior Mona LOL! Lemme make it easy on u, (even though i don't think it'll help), my popsie was ur popsie's classmate in h.school, so during those their many old boys outing, shey u get now?
Anyways, i was and i still am a quiet gal, so only my classmates really knew me, and some others. Omo, I think i'll adopt that ur strategy of smiling from afar. I saw the forum, already and i'l contribute my own 2 cents.
on the real, maybe she didnt really remember you. She may be one of those ppl that have a bad memory. Why do we always think in the negative automatically.it could be she was thinking a thousand and one things and didnt really notice you the next time...
i remember once i was in lagos and walking and this girl i know was RIGHT INFRONT OF ME. do you know i walked by her...i didnt notice...my mind was elsewhere...until she backtracked and purposefully got my attention..now she could have gotten offended and said can you imagine was D did?...but thank God she came back so there was no bad air
anyways i always try to look at the other aspect...
hmmm...so you went to st.saviors ebute metta huh? what class?
It's a lie, jo. So u're trying to tell me, that everytime i saw her she had things on her mind? We jammed several times in the space of 2 days o.
Yes o, i attended SS. What class? I really can't remember, all i know is we kept on changing arms each school year, sometimes i'm in Pri 3 red, next year it could be Pri 4 green.
I left in '94. We were the mufti set, then they changed things when i was in Primary 4, that was when we started wearing uniforms. Who r u? I think i may know u sef? Dem Mr. Effah (PE teacher), Mr. Sasa, Mrs. Annan (did u go to her lesson?), Mr. Okoro (wicked Math teacher). Good memories, mehn!
i totally agree with you on...after you've been away from people you went to school with for a long time you realise how much people people change.
Lol. at the girl acting like she didnt know you!
i totally agree with you on...after you've been away from people you went to school with for a long time you realise how much people people change.
Lol. at the girl acting like she didnt know you!
U too sef after u dan try talk to her the first time and she do that,wetin u cum dey find again.If na me I no dey talk to her again be that o,even if she talk to me I go just answer dey go.
Anyway nice blog ..will be back.
i went to saint saviours too and i so remember mrs otta!
being the best!
damn, i didnt know that we ever had mufti lol cos i was in pry one in 93 and left in 98 and we had uniforms all thru
i remember mr effah and his bushy hair
and did u know mrs annan was related to kofi annan? and those hairs on her chin...na wah oh! thats what i heard oh!
also that mr. sasa thank god i never reached primary six so i could have him say 'my name is ernest kofi sasa' and yeah that mr okoro was a wicked man...one time he was like if we didnt learn the timetables in primary three he was gonna flog us
do you remember ms. sapara and ms. lisa and mr. clifford (science dude) and mr obi...agric teacher and i was in reds and blues and never ever in green lol. and those are fantabulous fairs adn interhouse sports
@diamond hawk...did u go to st saviours too?
Somborri, wondeful memories o. I remember Mrs.Annan and her beard lol!There was a time she had this after school lesson with Mr. Okoro, and if u didn't attend, u wouldn't excel in their classes.
Mr. Effah, and his bushy hair, how can i forget? So Mr. Okoro still has his wicked genes, that man sef. Mr. Clifford's name is familiar, but i can't place a face to the name.
Do u remember the gateman/ security guard that lived behind the school, whose wife used to sell "boli 'n epa" roasted plantain 'n groundnut? I've forgotten his name now. Oh! Wait a minute, i think his name was Mr. Sule. Ms. Lisa and Ms. Sapara taught me. I loved being in Mrs. Ottah's class, nice lady. It was in my set, that they started with that "being the best" motto. We even had one razz school song they wanted us to learn, by the time i was leaving. The song goes like this, "Being the best is our goal, the best, the best ..."
I'm sure u know my handsome brother, but if i say his name, i don blow my cover be dat. He went to ISL and u both graduated from SS the same year.
lol haha you know in primary school i wasnt really thinking about handsome boys but i am now (wink wink)but if he left in 98 from pry 6, then i prolly dont know him.
yup i defn remember mr sule and his wife...the woman used to organize me with boli sometimes when i was just too hungry (i used to give her newspaper for her businesses). and there was that nasty ol ice cream man, in my five years at SS..this man dashed me ice cream one time only!
you want me to sing that 'being the best' song for you (sorry mahn i did not think that song was razz, it was my motto for life...but think the pyschological damage you get from trying to be the best all the damn time)
after i left, they added a second verse and now that second verse was razz!
and ms. lisa was my absolute fav teacher..her and mrs.opara (she got married tho, her first name is winifred)
ms. sapara was silently let go for beating a kid (completely useless occurrence). she went to go teach at dowen.
We girls can be such an ass sometimes!! What does it take to say hello and move on? No!! they must pretend not to recognise you! In some cases, you go to freat lengths to explain which class you were, which set, which house you were and they still draw a blank, bored expression!! When this happens, just blank the person as she's not worth the trouble!!
There's this face i saw in plumstead some time last yr and I knew she must have ben in my school. - Fegocal. I stopped her and asked for her name that and told her her face looked familiar. She said she was ms xxx and i exclaimed jovially : of course!! u were in enene house how r u, bla bla bla. my name is xxx and i was in xxx house. She kept this bored expression on her face (of course it didnt help that she was about 2 sets my senior) and maybe must have developed a complex or something. Whatever for? Shuo!!
Well, fast forward 6 months and I am coming back from school at Stratford Station and this figure is walking towards me on the train platform with her eyes fixed steadily on the floor in front of her. Such actions will want to make u take a better look at the person and foolish me exclaimed 'heloo xxx' how r u? we met in plumstead sometime ago remember? Of course she drew a blank face as usual and was apologetic: sorry i didnt see u and still gave me that 'i dont recognise u look'. 'yeah right' didnt see me indeed. I decided not to bother her anymore with my greetings as it was obvious she didnt want to be disturbed. We have since then travelled together several times on the same train from stratford to enfield after a hard days work and miss xxx has always chosen not to either see or recognise me on either times.
Of course I can play the 'ignoring each other' game equally well. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander!! Shikena!!
Boys on the other hand shake hands and dont 'form' for each other the way we girls do. So why do girls always form for each other?
maaaaan, u QC girls have your issues...its amazing how after all these years, i still run into QC girls who are my mates and still carry on like they're in JSS3 with regards to the whole "chinning" and fronting.
U DONT DRINK? - Uneed to see a doctor on that one.
Its so annoying when girls pull out that silly amnesia crap.
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