Nothing much has been happening, just the same old me. Okay, lemme share a litle story of the thorn in my flesh, the vacuum i couldn't seem to get filled until Sunday.
Since the beginning of this year, i've been looking for a church i could call my home church, people i could refer to as my church family, and how i could use the talents God has given me to serve in his vineyard. One thing i don't play with, is forsaking the assembly, fellowship if you will, of believers and that prompted me to start looking for a church whose mode of worship i liked ASAP.
Now, this is where my escapades begin. I used to attend this COGIC (Church of God In Christ) church in NJ from 2003 to early 2005, but with gas prices soaring and the distance, i found out that sometimes, i'd skip church 4 times in a month and even for 3 whole months. It became impossible to attend regular Sunday services, talkless of weekday services. Then, my Ghanaian friend invited me to her Bible study (B.S) in early '05. Attending that B.S, has been and is still being a blessing to me. I've learnt a lot, and even though my Sunday church attendance was dwindling, my Wednesday B.S. didn't suffer.
Then, i found this church in the neighborhood, about 10 minutes drive from my house. The church was okay, but the problem was worship in that church was becoming a routine for me. The only thing that changes every Sunday, is the sermon and the songs we sing from the hymnal, apart apart from that, nothing else. I attended the church from Nov. '05 till July '06. I helped out in the children's Sunday school, and with Vacation Bible School in June. Nice church, nice people; but there was still something missing.
Before i continue, i'd put up a disclaimer. I've nothing against the Episcopal or Catholic church. I'm not condemning their mode of worship neither am i denigrating their practices and beliefs. A little bit of background info. on myself. My grandfather is a retired Bishop of the Episcopal church and my paternal grandfather is a staunch Episcopalioan. I grew up in an Episcopal church, which i attended till i was 16. Once in a while, i'd sneak out to go to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) parish near my house, but that was about it. I was beginning to get tired of the Sunday-Sunday routine. Episcopalians (or Anglicans) worship in a similar fashion like Catholics. I like variety; i realized i needed more than i was being offered.
I was thoroughly enjoying the B.S and the folks, so i decided to check out their church; problem is/was that the church is in Newark, NJ (45 mins. to 1 hr. drive). Even though my friends from B.S go to church every Sunday, and even attend weekday services, i knew it wouldn't work for me. Whenever i attend their service in N.J, i enjoy myself and really do get my Holy ghost groove on. There are about 6 families (average # in each is 5) that attend the church in NJ from my zones. They realized that it wasn't practical going to NJ for services all the time, plus the fact that they now had to limit their church activities, which wasn't a good thing for 'em. They then decided to start a branch of the church in my zones. We've been looking for a plcae to rent, where we can have services, but there's been no luck with that. Either, we're not looking well enough or there just isn't anywhere.
Last Saturday, i was at my hairdresser's (Cia's) place and i narrated my ordeal to her. She invited me to her church. Meanwhile, i went online and found another church in the area, so i had a list of churches i was gonna check out. My friend, M and I had a mission to accomplish, and that was to find a church in the area where we felt at peace. July 30th, i went round and round, trying to locate a church i was told about, finally, after burning my gas and roasting in the sun, i went to the nearest hotel to ask for directions. On getting there, i noticed there were ushers by the door, they gave me directions but i was running late already so i just joined their church for service. I was really desperate 'cos prior to that, i hadn't been to church in 3 weeks, but my Wednesday nite B.S, i didn't mess with.
The service was just okay. One thing that caught my attention as i entered, was that all the women were in red, while the men were in black suit. Needless to say, that i was the odd one out in a navy blue suit. I stood out like a flashing neon sign. The Pastor seemed like a joker, bouncing from one topic to the next, smiling and pointing into the camera. I later realized the service was televised. The church has a color code for each service! Since when has worshipping in the house of God become a colorful, fashion contest?
Fast forward to this Sunday, August 6th, myself, M and J attended Cia's church. I was impressed with the service. The pastor's preaching was on point. He carried everyone along, irrespective of ur age group. They were so welcoming. I'm happy to say that i've finally found a place i can call my church home. I've finally found rest. This coming Sunday, the 13th, my gals and i wouldn't have to check out the other churches on our list.
On Sunday after church, M and i went to this nice, quiet park i just discovered. It has a pond and some ducks. We were there from 4 until 7 taking pictures, walking, gisting and just lazing around. I went to the park again on Tuesday, by myself this time, just to meditate and reflect for about 2 hours. Of late, I've been surrounded by peace that i can't explain. Not that things are rosy or anything, but i just have this feeling of tranquility. It's weird, really weird 'cos looking at the way things are, i should be agitated, even frightened. I'm gonna be in the ER tomorrow, shadowing the Director of the ER. I wasn't even born when this guy graduated from med. school. More updates on that later.
I need more male friends
1 week ago
God is leading you a higher place of praise.
the peace you are experiencing is simply God with you telling you he is with you.
Do not fret my dear, an indication of where God wants you to be is PEACE.....
You are definitely on point and I really feel u......
Dipo Tepede
I'm glad you found a church you can call home. I'm also in transition, and I am still praying for peace...
Abeg pray for me too to have the strength to go to church every sunday.
Bijouxoxo what happened to Midnite Gister now?
Thanks, Dipo. I guess i should enjoy myself. The reason why i was scared at first was 'cos in situations where i really should be fretting, i'm as calm as anything. Some even see it as non-chalance, but it really isn't.
Belle, by God's grace u'll have peace that surpasses all understanding. Hang in there girl, ur testimonies are coming aplenty, u wouldn't even have room enough for 'em.
Naijabloke, why don't u have strength to go to church? I'm sure u have strength to go to work everyday. You don't need prayers, u just've to decide. Find a bible believing church in ur area that u flow with and start attending.
As per midnite gister, he's fine. Just that his convos are moving in directions i'm not prepared to go. Dig? I trust u to "soji" very well.
Abeg, make you enjoy yourself to the max, jare.
There are still deeper things, that God will take you through; till then live your life to the max..............
I havent found my OWN church o...I manage one for now sha...well I manage a couple for now...I guess I know where those pictures came from!
I dont think I will find a church to call home, but for those who have - excellent.
Amen o!
We need a more comprehensive update on "midnight gister"... quit being shy!!
Thank u very much jere Belle,she wan try use lagos one for me here.
Oya nack us tory ..I no wan "soji" this time,infact I dey sleep sef.
We dey wait o and no come back come give us one lame gist that u r not interested in a relationship now o,cos hmm.... .LOL
I'm happy you've found a church where you are at peace. Now go in there and serve the Lord.
i've been shuttling b2n two main church is like 40miles away but the distance gets to me so i go to one closer to me sometimes...and im torn..cuz the main church is the only church i've actually taken time out to join...
im supposed to make up my mind this year...
glad you've found a home church
p.s check out (Voices of the African Continent)
sign up...check it out...spread the word...thx
My dear Belle, u want a comprehensive update, okay the next blog entry will be dedicated to the numerous midnite gisters and my non-existent love life (lol).
You dis Naijabloke, ehn. See how u put a sista out there like that. It's all good. Gist plenty, i go nack u little by little sha.
Madam Diamond, wetin dey happen nau? Do u know i've a strong feeling we've met before. Anyways, whichever one u decide upon just make sure u flow with their mode of worship.
I thank God you found a place of worship you like. Goodluck at the ER!
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