WARNING: I'm in a gbeborun, amebo, tatafo mood. So read if u will, and don't u dare complain! Remember this is MY SPACE.
Okay, before i proceed, let me warn u guys again that this post is really going to be as random as it could possibly be. Nothing much has been happening to me lately, just the usual grind with school and all. Okay, is it just me or what seems to be going on in this world o?
This new form of "dancing" that involves bumpin' and grindin' (B 'n G) i really don't seem to understand. What happened to the good ol' days when people danced "normally" without causing any form or shape of friction between the genitalia? Lemme pause and state that i know it's ur prerogative whether or not u want to be B 'n G'ed. What irks me however, is when some random guy just takes the liberty to invade ur personal space and starts B 'n G'ing u? Of course, if u're not game, u can tell him to take a walk. This form of dancing like u can tell, involves the expending of energy, as in it's a serious work out on its own. Check out the guy (some of u may know him) in the pix, sweating profusely. His expression in the first picture says it all. Anyways, is it just me being conservative or what do u guys think about the "b 'n g" of digging it (dancing)?
Okay, i think i tried my best in concealing the identity of the lady. So i heard we're gonna have about 6-8 inches of snow here starting midnight on Tuesday into Wednesday morning. I'm seriously praying they cancel morning classes 'cos i've got a quiz on Wednesday and urs truly hasn't even started studying for it o. I'm concentrating on the exam i have on Thursday. Y'all had better pray they cancel my Wednesday morning class, if not i'll be a grumpy gal o.
Okay, sometimes i wonder at myself sha. Last Tuesday my boss' zipper was down and i just happened to look in that direction. He was standing, while i was sitting so u really can't blame me it was directly in my line of vision. Anyways, i couldn't bring myself to tell him for some weird reason, so i told my co-worker o. The girl's like, we've to tell him. So she went to the boss' desk and whispered, "John, ur zipper" The guy then said what? She then pointed and went, "look at it." I was dying of laughter at this point sha, but i did a good job of concealing it. Yeye boss too o, what would he say, "Oh! that explains why i've been cold all morning" Imagine o, instead of him to just zip it up and be quiet, he decided to broadcast his business to the whole world.
Alright, folks that's it for now. Oh, and one more thing TERC, the conference call fellowship, holds every Friday from 5 a.m. EST to 6 a.m. If u wanna join, just call in. Hope to see some of u there. Did i tell u folks that i now have 3 valentines? I'm officially not roasting. Did i also tell y'all that i started with "a touch of red" till Vals day? Everything i wear till after Vals day, must have red o, i'm seriously REDDING out. HEHEHE.
Have a blessed week, till i come ur way with gist again.
lmao@ the zipper down.. thats jokes.. and his comback was fantastic! oh crap am i first or am i first or am i first?!?! THIS IS EXCITING!!! lol... 3 valentines ke.. babe you dey hot oh!!! the bump and grind with desmond elliot is funny sha... lol... me i won't say anything cos i'm guilty of dancing like that sometimes sha... I just remembered one church i went to two years ago where they were dancing makossa.. it was the funniest thing... lol
Do you know for how long i have been stalking that dude?
Jesus Christ! That is all I can say for now.
Who is Desmond Eliot? He really is into his dancing oh.
Last Val's day I wore RED sweater, and underwear... Noone but me saw it, just felt like it. LOL!
LOL @ The Zipper story! LOL!!!
Yay, no more ROASTING....thank God o...
loll "thats why I've been cold all morning," LMBO...how won't he be cold, some snow flakes may have invaded that territory! Ouch!
See ya on friday...
Someone will be really mad if I told them I saw Desmond grinding...
I have to finally devise a plan to bring u out of that village that u r staying now...cos u r just a disgrace ...LOL.. just lemme take u out and u refuse a guy that want to grind and denge with u and u will see wetin I go do ..LOL
Happy vals day
girl i thot it was you you were trying to hide up there o...hmmm...what have YOU been up to. you have THREE valentines???? im jealous o... o ya...WHO ARE THEY...
b n g!..I attended this party with my cousin, and it was quite annoying cus none of the guys wanted to dance without B n Ging...I had to explain I was married to make em dance normally. I mean can't a girl have fun without a guy wanting to get to close? It was so funny cus there were alot of married woman there, so at a point someone aske all the married woman to leave the party, so that they could b n g uninterrupted lol.
@D - my thought exactly - I was thinking - whats bijou doing..heheheh.. But I guess many men whenever they have an opportunity to dance with a young they have to do the B and G thingy..
anyways - that was jokes about you'r boss..that must have been a funny situation.
Bijou you worry too much. All your quiz + exam has already been taken care of. You know you've passed them very well right..it is well.
Happy valentine's day girl! Your boss is too funny, lol. Its so annoying when some random guy tries 2 pull a fast one n just shows up behind you, I simply dance around him n move away fast fast
There was this party in my flat a couple of weeks back and there i was minding my biz when so babe decides to go and grind my date. If i get gun i for shoot the babe! LOL
Madam, red till vals, please let us know the stats of this red-experiment. the number of turned heads and trailer loads of gifts...
happy val's day!
I know the chic in the picture o...and all I can say is LOL
@EVERYONE: I'm not the grindee o (that word's in my own dictionary, too bad u can't see it in urs).
@Vera, na u sabi if u know the chic, aproko! Maybe it's even u sef.
@Teva: Na wa o. Share ur date with the masses nau. The snow messed up my reddin' out. What's a gal to do?
@LOASCM: Amen o. I always feel as if i'm never preparted for an exam even if i've study the book from cover to cover, i always feel as though there's still som'n i need to know.
@chioma: Just imagine that! B'n G uninterrupted. Nonsense!
@Diamond: Mind ur biz.
@NB: Oya take me outta the village nau. Plus u and ur guy, both of u will know Bijoux's a fighter by the time i'm done with u!
@Jaycee: That's that pesin's wahala. Seeing is believing, HE WAS! I hope u didn't roast too o?
@LB: Are u sure it wasn't 'cos Ms. Flow was around that u redded out to ur underwear? He's really into the dancing o, check out the classic pose in the first pix.
@Temmy: My egbon, stalking? That's som'n else o.
@Overwhelmed: Clap for urself o for being first (lol) expect ur chocomilo and burramint in the mail.
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