Okay folks, i realized it isn't easy for some to wake up 5 a.m. EST M-F. So here's a suggestion, how about we've the prayers MWF, 5 a.m. EST? Please, send me an email (bijouxoxoblogger@yahoo.com) to know what works best for u or just leave a comment here. I hope to hear from you guys. Bibi, Jaycee, Diamond, Life of a Stranger, if i'm missing someone that wants to be a part of TERC, just make ur intentions known in the comments section.
Also, if u need me to be ur alarm clock i.e. to wake u up at 5 a.m. MWF, please send me an email and i'll be more than willing to wake u up.
Lastly, what we do basically, is to open up with prayers, then anyone can volunteer to share scriptures with the group, if anyone has anything to add to the scripture being shared u'll be welcome to do so, then we ask if there are any prayer points from the group members, then end it with a general prayer.
Please lemme know what u guys think, I'll send out emai to this effect. NO MEETING TOMORROW (6th FEB.).
Have a blessed week.
I need more male friends
1 week ago
Have sent you an email.
Don't mind an alarm clock...(*winks*)...a human alarm clock o...
life...na wa for u o...u ignored me on gmail... i dey vex seriously!!!
Miss D - I sent your reply immediately I got the mail - telling you how much I loved it.
R u sure we are talking about the same mail. Or did u send it to the wrong person. Cause the only one I received I have already replied.
Loving this Bachelorette thing you are doing by the way.
@Bijoux - Thanks for getting back to me.
Bijou would love to join but the idea of waking up at 4am wouldnt work for me ( i am on CST) ...i actually go to bed at 4AM...you all should just pray for me
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