Took the cue from London Naija Chic.
I confess that i'm in a funky state of mind right now
I confess that i'm neck deep busy with school work
I confess that not a single day goes by without me thinking about him
I confess that i even dreamt about him 2 nights ago
I confess that i'm tired of my present state of mind
I confess that i'm happy for her for finally taking the step
I confess that i really need a research JOB as soon as i graduate
I confess that it was wonderful talking to my mum about him today
I confess that my vulnerability and weeping before God is what still keep me going
I confess that i need to get a grip on myself and my emotions
I confess that it's not an easy thing to do
I confess that at Bible study last night, i didn't hear a word of what was preached
I confess that i've not called him in a while, he's the one doing all the calling
I confess that every time i see his picture, my heart goes topsy turvy
I confess that i'm appalled by my thots and the fact that i'm thinking about him
I confess that i'm tired of confessing
He has indirectly invaded my privacy beyond measure
I'm trying so hard to flush him out of my system
Lord, help me 'cos i really need to snap out of this state ASAP
I cannot afford to be in any funky state, not right now at least
I feel relieved to some degree.
I need more male friends
1 week ago
bijou na wa o. why u no talk all this one while we were comparing notes last nite. anyway, make sure ur leg stand gidigba for ground. we go yarn later.
I confess the boy needs some bitch slapping to set him straight and see whatz beckoning to him before it walks away.
Bijouxoxo u know am rooting for u ... and just keep the litmus thingy going...Pele ..
So who's the he making Cherub melt?
might i add my 2 kobo? i dig the confession thing lots, but i think a better confession would be in line with "calling forth those things that be not as though they were"...remember we are condemened or justified by the words of our mouth, so lets justify ourselves more by speaking in line with the what the word says e.g I CONFESS that I am a New Creation, created unto good works, created for a life of glory...
LOL @ NB!!!
Cherub, there's nothing wrong feeling this don't try to shake it off. Only Jesus can take this thought from you...until then you are a slave of God's amazing love...So just ask God what He wants you to do with this feelings of love...Let go and Let God.
we do get overwhelmed some times (make that most / alot of the times) - but its only a maytter of time before we find our feet. Everything works out for those that love the Lord and it is well in Jesus Name - Amen. Stay blesed.
You know you can confide in your egbon. WHo is this person that is making my aburo do all this confession in public ehn? Mind urself o.
Ok, u can talk to me.
eyahhhh..lollll. You'll be fine, u hear.
Aunty this 'him', him everywhere, i shock o!, infact i read 4 blogs back and i aint getting it.
confessing is good, but it has its place. Gal, give yourself time, You'll be amazed at how resilient you are. His spirit will guide you.
dnt know wat to say at d mo. i need to think, then come bac
I like this, I need to get some things off my chest too. Hope it works out for you and glad he is doing the calling :)
@ChiefO: My leg stand gidigba for ground o, no shaking (lol)
@NB: Thanks dear, the litmus thingy is so on.
@azuka: The Bazooka (lol) how far? So u wanna know who the "he" is? What if i said 'twas u:)
@disgodkidd: I feel u jere. That's why I'm tryna exercise the kind of patience Paul advises - where you quietly take charge. You know what you want, are filled with hope and then you grab it by faith.
@LB: Yes o, are u for me or against me? NB is ready to bitch slap him for me, which one will u do?
@9ja opeke: Hehehe, so u think they're feelings of love? Anyways, that's why i'm a female homo sapien, i guess.
@LOASCM: Amen, it is well indeed.
@Temmy: Thanks jere egbon gidi. This kid has got me real bad, mehn. Bringing out feelings in me that have been supressed for so long.
@Jaycee: I hear o, looks like u're talking from experience.
@Teva: U're still not getting it? I tell u what shall be done to u for being so slow (LOL)? Yes indeed, his spirit will truly guide me.
@chidi:Why are u so perplexed by my confessiuons that u don't know what to say? My friend, u had better come back with a proper comment.
@TMinx: I'm getting everyone to confess now. hehehe
it's well.
I hope u get out of the funk soon dear!
dang... looks like i need to go into the archives to understand more about this 'he' oh.. you know me i sha love gist... but be well luv... you'll be iite
I confess am loving ur blog.
Cherub...abeg pls can someone be waking me up at 5am? was longing for TERC, and I didn't hear my alarm going off.
And when I woke up from the dream it was 7:30am.
i called in but i was on hold...hmmmm
@ Miguel: Thanks *singing* it is well, it is well with my soul ...
@Biodun: I'm getting better as the days go by, thanks.
@Overwhelmed: How're u doing dear? U and gist sha, anyway go back to the archives to see if u can decipher what's up.
@Queen ebong: Thanks, will check out urs.
@Jaycee & Diamond: Yeah, we'll work things out. I'm even thinking we should have it MWF only from 5 a.m. to 6, 'cos it isn't really easy waking up at 5 everyday.
Diamond, i saw that u called around 5.45 or so.
I just wanna know who he is. Tell us abeg, sister Cherub. Na who be this boy wey don captivate ur heart go yonder? Spill!
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