I've decided to remove a huge chunk of the yarns in this entry, 'cos if katakata bursts and someone in my family sees this, they'll so skin me alive (abeg, fashie freedom of speech, my speech no get that kind freedom yet). Ever since the time i wrote it, i've been sleeping with one eye open 'cos walls have eyes and ears too. Infact, it won't be funky o if they catch me, mehn. So before yawa go gas, me i don jejely comot am.
There's this bobo i'm feeling. Funny thing, is that we were family friends for the longest time. We jammed again through the internet. We've been talking for a while now. Infact he's so down to earth, no fronting, nothing. So pray that everything gels. I've been praying too.
My momsy called that since today is 6/6/06 (666) the mark of the devil/ antichrist, we should fast and pray overnight. Me, i prayed but skipped the fasting part. I also confessed all my sins, sharp sharp just in case Jesus comes back today. You know how we Naija people are with superstitious beliefs. Anyway, gotta go. Did i mention i got a part-time job for the summer? I finally ordered my MCAT book. Anyway, till i have the motivation to update this blog again, CIAO
I need more male friends
1 week ago
HI Bijoux, you can include blogs you read by changing it in the template section, its a bit tricky but not if you know simple html. All you can do is copy and paste really and include the links step by step but if you know someone who can do it get them to help you.
Template section is found when you "Edit posts" and then look at the tabs at the top, it's there somewhere
Family! Too bad we are stuck with them..lol
I really like your writting style.. nice.
Like Mona said, go to the Template section,then edit the html code part. You can add your links under the sidebar section. I don't see any existing links on your sidebar that you can edit though, so you might have to add the section yourself.
i just tried to post a whole bunch of code, but it wouldnt let me...uugghgh!
Good luck!
Thanks guys. I tried what u said, by copying and pasting the links of the individual blogs to the sidebar section, i saved and then republished my blog, but it still didn't show up on my page. I'll ask my friend who's a computer guru to help me.
Hey, sent you my number, call me when you get a chance.
Got it. Thanks, will call over the weekend.
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