The purpose for which i started this blog, was to have a medium to vent, have an outlet to let off steam instead of bottling it all up. I'm a very private person, shy and reserved. I hardly ever tell my problems to friends, just my mum and sisters and of course, my father in heaven. That's why i started writing annonymously of course. Unfortunately for me, every one and their mama have discovered my blog. How? I dunno. Maybe i do know. I joined some stupid groups online, i hardly ever go on these groups or contribute to them anyways. 2 thoughts are running thru my mind now. First is should i just throw caution to the wind, and forget this annonymity crap i have going on and just reveal my identity? The catch here, is that i wouldn't be able to express myself as freely as i want to. I don't want to regret anything, plus i don't want stuff i've written biting me in the yansh in future. Second thing is how can i get google to clear me from these stupid groups thingy in their archives? Should i just start a new blog, without putting up any info about myself or schools i've attended. I NEED HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Maybe i should just delete the blog and go back to my old ways, of writing in my journal, that way nobody would nab me. Within the space of a week i've been nabbed by 4 people. I need to vent, and i'm so furious and venting right now. I want to express myself freely, without holding stuff back. Geddit? I'm a very shy person, crap, i mentioned that before. Cannot be washing my dirty linen out here. It's been wonderful meeting and sharing the experiences of everyone of u. Like someone once said, a stranger is someone who u don't know a part of their life's story. Thru ur blogs, i've been able to share a part of ur life's story. Meaning u guys aren't strangers, even though i may walk right by you in Tams Squaa (Times Square) and not know u're u. Have a lovely day folks.
Xoxo - You started blogging to express yourself and to vent. And Im glad you remember the reason you started in the first place.
Now do not allow the actions of others prevent you from doing what you enjoy doing. You have been able to touch people's life from your very existence in blogville and you have been more than family to many.
I am sorry fr some of the difficulties you ar facing right now as a consequence but that should not deter or prevent you from doing what you do best.
I cannot advice on ways to get your details off the groups you've joined online - Is there a way you could send an email to remove your details from the groups you've joined if there is no lik to remove it your self. For every forum there should be a remove link.
Just remember this is your space and this is what you like doing. You havnt mentioned anyones names on your post - so I dont see why people should identify themseves in your post. If they do then its their problem.
Have a blessed week - remember you are an overcomer. Stay blessed.
Pele. Let it all out but don't stop blogging. I don't think you've ever written anything that set out to deliberately hurt or discredit anyone. You have been such an inspiration and I really admire you for being upfront about your beliefs and staying true to them. In addition, you haven't been afraid to acknowledge that you've made mistakes and have been open to listening to others opinions. We don't all agree with each other all the time but our little community will miss you if you leave so don't go anywhere. Of course it's your choice and final decision but UNLESS these people who know who you cannot be reasonable and respect that your blog is an outlet for you and it becomes unbearable - I say STAY! i clicked on the link and i was like...who is CHERUB...which link is one is ever truly anonymous. I've learned that...someone...somewhere...will recognize...especially if they're certified internet detectives such as myself :-)... i was actually going to suggest you do what you just i guess i need to log in and update my link...gosh im feeling so lazy today
Oh my goodness - I was like what is happening. Very confused. But its still you. Good. So will call you cherub - what you did is a very good idea. Stay blessed.
wow! i say you just leave it as is. things that are very personal, put in your journal...
even if you start a new blog, it will be obvious its you...
just because sumppl decided to nab doesent mean u shud stop puttin in blogs. i prsonally have been enjoyin ur blogs so pls dnt stop. changin ur name to cherubz wus a gud idea....took ma sumtime to figure out but whoeva ur trynna hide frm shud not be able to nab u again. stay blessed
Xoxox ur blog almost drove me crazy 2day .. it kept coming back as a porn site or smth and when I finally caught up with ur blog,I saw "Cherub".... U know I actually closed it and reopened it back to be sure ..
Na wah for blogsville ..ppl sha..
Same way I got a comment on my photoblog saying that he/she knows who I am and that I cant hide ..
Xoxox keep doing ya thing jere cos u sure aint telling me u want to stop blogging too o... u know ama go ghetto on u ..LOL
U have a nice rest of the week
something is wrong wit u oh. why didn't u tell me u changed ur link? if I vex ehn....!
And girl, don't worry, no matter how anonymous u may wanna be, someone somewhere still knows u (like me, of course)
....which is why I do not even bother bloggin anonymously. If anything, I have given my real first and last name. Let the googling begin
Same thing has happened to me, my dear. i still have not decided what to do. And like you I need a place to vent.
My friend decided to go anonymous. she refused to tell me what her blog address was. Well, one day she let slip that she had blogged about a particular incident in her life. I googled the key words and her blog popped up. I don't have the heart to tell her. maybe that's because I want to read what she has to say.
there's absolutely no anonymity here. I plan on driving to Epe, parking in a lonely spot and just screaming. that should do for venting.
rememba meeeeee?
I'm glad I've finally found your blog again - been searching for it for a few days! It's true about anonymity - somebody somewhere will find you someday... sorry about this o, but hope it soesn't stop you from blogging.
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